
I knew my hand would freeze&burn the
moment shall I shall wake up shall

three options many choices two feelings many feelings

Sunday Morning
so these men we don't kNOW how many exACTly
these men LAUGHed and sTALKed ‘em pigeon makin’em 
TOo tired they couldn't fly no MorE
should-a heard….cryin-out for some help…. one strange thing I’D ever heard! 
SOBER hunGRy they cooked these OWL-ish, TOo feathersoME crEatures worn Their darn beaks round EM necks
can’t aVOID it, caN you! lIGHTing struck eveRy sIngle one of Them, friZzled ‘em men gold like fried eggs..

that, mind You, iS The version i'd tell my grandson.
the stORY TELLINGly happened like this:

the two CROOKS cooked them AND wore the briC-A-Brac beaks around their necks
victoriously DaRIngly innocently
and turned to pigeons themselves
they mocked each other until they couldn't fly anymore

then the earth split up, sputtERing in rageS, carrying each of them off like drifting ON AN ISLAND
Hot with boiling yIPPIng treachERous magMA and all horrifying Sound effectS
desperate to be connected with one another, one of them made a leap
into the abyss he went
falling in a mad trance, only those so beautifully young would know of I'm sure

the NEXT man wailed for help
 but someone misread his OUTburst for a couRAGEOUS war Growl and
he was wALLOPed up whole

fatigue famish DESIRE conspire
mERMaid flocking Around, Happening Around, wET the residue of pigeon feather with their sCaly fins and drEnched long hair
tangling me, conTEmplating whether to let me live to tell this story

what happened afterwards, like any ReAl story,
we shall never quIte KNOW.